Saturday, December 27, 2014

An Aside

The Story Teller's Aside: What may seem to you as you hear these stories of God over time as God evolving is actually the evolution of human awareness. These peeks at God come from two aspects of human awareness: the ordinary, ordinal, or linear mind and deep intuition. The first is human insistence on everything being within the realm of logic and two-legged human understanding, such as might appear in the daily newspaper or on an electronic news program. The second is a nonverbal awareness received through imagery, through the imagination, an organ of consciousness interflowing with all that is. This second awareness is produced by the Godhead, the Wellspring from which all springs continuously. From here we get the true knowledge which is blocked only by the first awareness. Understanding is experience. As we experience God more clearly, the two merge as one and not even one, for "one" itself implies a separation. The first aspect of human awareness produces the exclusiveness of all fundamentalisms, religious and secular. The second opens beyond all such enclosures. 

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